Sunday, June 30, 2013

From the IT Director - Bluecat

I was reading a job posting for 'Senior System Administratoron linkedin from a IT director of Bluecat. Unfortunately (for them) that my skill set doesn't fit for this job, but I personally would love to work in that kinda environment.

Here is the posting at*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1&trk=rj_nus

From the IT Director:
This is a message from the most interesting IT Director in the World! That is right, my job is so interesting that astronauts want to quit their jobs to come work with me and I congratulate you for wanting to do the same!

As my future colleague I expect you to be at least as innovative as Martha Stewarts’ cat toys and as interesting as flame broiled ostrich steak with blue Cheese sauce.

For those interested in business cards with their role, people in love with their qualifications and a set way of doing things, this isn’t the place for you. We crave your creativity and we expect you to be unique.

It is hard work with a potential for long hours, however it is an environment that you will own. You will be Bluecat IT. Your creativity and resolve to see problems as opportunities and your willingness to keep the lights on will allow you to engage in projects many dream off with a market leader in its field.

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