Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Let's have a fight.

If two people fight who is gonna win? Wife of-course (and no this is not from personal experience.) If production scheduler fights with accountant about setting production run rates vs cost run rates who is gonna win? Well in case of  iVP CMS ERP both. Accountant can use 'Schedule run standard' for costing and production manager can use 'Production run rate' for scheduling. I know from my experience that some users use very high production run rate to accomplish zero costing but in my opinion this is not a good way of setting up the system. This works just because of rounding, and this is not a documented feature. As a matter of fact I am not sure who knows about it. What if a program change increase a variable length and instead of zero cost you start getting a different cost? Why not use production vs schedule run rate?

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