Wednesday, June 26, 2013

ILVS Inline Vehicle Sequencing

Many OEM manufactures GM , Toyota, Ford uses ILVS a.k.a In Line Vehicle Sequencing. One exception is Honda who doesn't use traditional IVLS but they have their own way of handling sequencing. Traditionaly EDI document 866 was used by OEM to communicate to their suppliers. However  many are moved towards  'broadcast' system instead of using traditional EDI. ILVS is all about packaging racks (containers).

Let's suppose a car manufacture will be making a red and then a blue car and you are a supplier of bumper. Using ILVS it can be communicated that when an assembler at OEM opens a container while assembling a red care the bumper at the top of rack should be red and the second bumper should be blue i.e. even a color blind person can assemble color bumpers using the ILVS methodology. 

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